Last day to order for shipping within the Reykjavík area before Christmas is December 22nd!
Last moment for Pick up is December 23rd!

Be Lenka wrap Mandala – burðarsjal

17.100 kr.
Setja á óskalista Þegar á óskalista

Fallegt burðarsjal með mandala-mynstri, framleitt í Evrópu úr 100% bómull. Til viðbótar við að vera þægilegt og mjúkt viðkomu, þá hentar þetta burðarsjal frá fæðingu og út allt barnaburðartímabilið.


  • Efni: 100% bómull
  • Yfirborðsþyngd (eftir þvott): 295 g/m2
  • 3,6m

For some tying methods a shorter wrap can be nice because there is less excess fabric hanging at the ends, for example for bak and side carrying, or turning it into a ring sling. This size is also very good to be used for side-carrying, or transforming it into a ring sling.

A woven wrap is very flexible and can be used for newborns and toddlers. There is no need to adjust buckles like with a carry bag: you make the carrier fit perfectly every time you (or your partner) put it on. Depending on how you tie the wrap, you can use different methods for front, side, and back carrying, and you change the look of it so it is also great for styling. For some examples, check this link: Aðferðir til þess að hnýta sjöl (á ensku) or google ‘fancy finishes with a wrap’.

magapoki, burðarpoki, burðarsjall, burdarpoki

Weight 0,8 kg

blue, aurora