Innkaupakarfan er tóm
The Easy Carrier (burðarpoki) from We Are Wovens is made, as the name suggests, from woven fabric. This makes the carrier light-weight and feel as if you are carrying with a wrap, where the fabric and weight distribution easily adjusts to your and your baby’s body shape. This carrier is easy to take along (definitely compared to a stroller) if you do not know in advance if the route is accessible and when your baby wants to be held. Having this carrier allows you to adjust to every situation! The design is simple and easy, without any unnecessary features, but still with ergonomic features. This way the carrier is easy to take as it is so lightweight and small, but it also ensures that when you are carrying it is just about you and your baby. The shoulder straps can be crossed over the back, and it can be used for both front and back carrying.
Easy Carrier Baby hentar börnum sem nota fatastærðir 56-86.
We Are Wovens er hollenskt merki sem notast einungis við hágæða kembda bómull í fallegum litum. Bómullin sem þau nota hefur öll Oeko Tex vottun. Þessi vottun tryggir að bómullin hafi lituð án skaðlegra efna og sé þar með örugg fyrir lítil börn sem eru gjörn á að stinga öllu upp í munninn. Öll burðarsjölin og burðarpokarnir frá We Are Wovens eru framleidd í Evrópu, sem tryggir að þau geta fylgt framleiðsluferlinu náið eftir og tryggt há gæði.
magapoki, burðarpoki, burðarsjall, burdarpoki
litur | old gold, raven, moss |
stærð | 56-86, 86-104 |